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Welcome to the 3DGfx website, here you can find the news, views and reviews of the latest graphics card hardware

From the big boys at AMD Ati, and Nvidia, to the less ubiquitous such as Matrox, PowerVR etc, here you will a wealth of information, and if we don't have it on site there will be links to external sources where you can sate your fill of Graphics card loveliness.
So please, have a browse around, check out the forums and the shop, and don't forget to click on our sponsors when you feel magnanimous.




The forums are where you can converse, share news, views and knowledge with your fellow Graphics card nutcases :) .
Try them out, you will find them amusing, informative, sometimes annoying but never boring. A fantastic way to get technical help for those niggling configuration problems with that brand new Gfx card.

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In association with one of the worlds finest online retailers, 3DGfx.net has a shop. 
Focusing on Graphics Cards and hardware, we also specialise in things discerning Gfx afficionados would most like want to browse. And because we are associated with Amazon you can rest assured that your transactions are secure and delivery is guaranteed.

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